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The role of treats in teaching your dog good behaviour

If you want to build a strong bond with your dog. If you want to teach him some new tricks. If you want to cultivate acceptable behaviour. Then treats are the easiest, quickest way to do it.

The act of giving a treat tells a dog that he did something right. Something that his human liked. Doing that same thing again would mean that he would get the treat again. It is as simple as that. Dogs are remarkably simple animals.

Simple steps I use to teaching my dog good behaviour

Ask him dog to do something – Wait for him to do it – Praise him – Give him the treat.

Repeat this several times and the behaviour become a habit and part of his character.

I know.. It is easier said than done.

When do I give treats?

I usually bring out the treats early morning before, during and after his walk and in the evenings before his dinner. This is mainly because I find that he is ready to listen and perform better when he is hungry.

He gets a bit too excited during his morning walks. So, I play a bit with him for two main reasons.

  1. I want him to understand that if he does what I ask him to do then he is going to get a treat.
  2. I want him to release some energy, so that he is a calmer during the walk.

During the walk, I use treats to correct any wrong behaviour. If he tries to pull, or decides to chase a squirrel, I need to have something that would distract and make him focus on me.

After the walk, I use it for obedience training. This again is more like a warm down, where the tasks a more focussed on his mental strength.

The evening treats are primarily just for fun, we play fetch and each time he brings back the ball he gets a treat.

When do I NOT give a treat?

Always make sure that you acknowledge positive behaviour. A treat is a gift, it should be earned. Never give it without him offering an acceptable behaviour. It may be as simple as waiting patiently as you read the morning paper. But just don’t give him a treat every time you meet him. I believe the treat loses its value when it’s given for “free”.

Never feed him just to get him off your back. Meaning if he is showing unacceptable behaviour and if by just giving a treat you can get his attention off you. You need to understand that you will be cultivating a bad behaviour and over time, your dog will start demanding the treat. As I said, the treat has value. He must earn it.

Never feed treat as his meal. Your dog should always get a proper meal. Treats do not have enough nutrition that your dog needs.

Hope this article gave you some insights about treats, its uses and how to use it to bring up a well-behaved dog.

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.