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Love or Respect, what is more important to you as a Dog Owner?

Dogs are a wonderful addition to our families. They provide unconditional love and companionship. When we bring home a pup, we have this overflowing feeling of love.

You want to give your pup the best life imaginable. I completely understand this feeling. I’ve felt that feeling.

But love without limitations results in a dog that is entitled.

So let me ask you this simple question:

What is more important to you when it comes to your dog: Love or Respect?

I believe it is Respect. And here is why. Imagine you have a best friend that you care for unconditionally. But this friend steals from you when you are not looking. She deliberately breaks your stuff when you are not there. Would you still consider her your best friend?

Love creates disorder and respect creates order.

Dogs are not humans; they are animals and have different needs. This is why you must understand the concept of love vs respect in order to raise a happy, healthy dog.

Love creates disorder when you let your dog get away with anything without discipline or structure. If you want to create an order for your dog, then create boundaries for them. Use reinforcement techniques like training them with treats, toys, and praises when they do something right or correct them when they behave inappropriately by saying ‘no’ firmly.

With time they understand what behaviour is desired from them. These behaviours need to be inculcated during the early stages of life so that you don’t have to deal with a large, entitled dog few years down the line.

Respect is a two-way street; you must demonstrate it as well as get it back.

To gain the respect of your dog, you must be respectful as well. You must demonstrate it and get it back. Dogs can sense energy levels in people, so if you want them to follow your commands or listen to what you have to say – make sure that you are always calm and assertive.

Your dog will only respond to those who are calm and assertive; someone who is nervous or upset will not be able to command their attention for long periods of time without becoming frustrated themselves.

Dogs will always love us unconditionally because they know nothing else than how we treat them on a daily basis. So always keep this in mind when thinking about how much affection we give them versus how much we demand from them!

Just because you give commands doesn’t mean you will get respect.

Commands and tricks are not the same as respect. Just because your dog sat when you gave the command does not mean that he or she respects you. The command and the dog’s response are trained behaviours. The dog knows that at the end of this act, he would get a treat or at least be praised by his human.

Obedience and Respect comes because of the bond you build. As you spend more time with the dog, there will be instances when you will communicate what is expected and what is not.

If you’re struggling with getting your dog to listen because they don’t respect or trust you enough yet, then I suggest working on building their bond together first before moving onto obedience training later in life so they can learn who’s really in charge around here!

The way to earn respect from your dog is to become the pack leader, in other words give your dog rules boundaries and limitations.

You don’t have to be a dog breeder, trainer or professional to earn respect from your dog. All you need is knowledge. In the words of the great dog whisperer, Ceaser Milan; the way to earn respect from your dog is to become the pack leader, in other words give your dog rules, boundaries and limitations.

Dogs need rules, boundaries, and limitations just like humans do. They need to know what is acceptable and what is not; they need guidance on how they should behave; they also need someone who will take control over them when necessary.


Dogs will love us unconditionally; however we need to exert our authority more for them to gain obedience and be more responsive. This can be done by setting rules, boundaries, and limitations. The key is to do so in a calm manner because dogs respond best when they are not agitated or anxious about what you are asking them to do.

They also respond well when there is mutual respect between dog and owner; dogs respect their owners when the owners respect them!

You need to make sure that your dog knows its place in the pack and ensure that there is no confusion over who is in charge of whom. It is important that you are always assertive but calm while training your pet as this will help establish boundaries which will help reduce any unwanted behaviour from occurring later down the road such as jumping up at strangers every time someone comes near their home or barking excessively whenever something new happens around them such as another animal being present nearby etc.

So, what do you think is more important? Love or Respect?

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.