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Hotel etiquettes that every dog owner should know

If you’re bringing your dog on a trip, you want to make sure that it’s comfortable and happy. There are a lot of hotels and resorts in India that allow dogs. But there are a few etiquettes that you and your dog are expected to follow. It’s such an important part of being a good pet owner to know what hotel etiquette is – and how you can follow it so that everyone has fun!

Know the rules.

There are a few things you can do to be sure that your stay is going to be as comfortable as possible. The first thing to do is check if there is a pet policy in place at the hotel. The next thing would be to ask about whether there’s a fee for pets staying on site, and what exactly this fee covers (if anything).

You should also ask if there are any restrictions on where you can take your dog: some hotels don’t allow dogs in certain rooms, so it’s best not just assume anything!

Always keep your dog on a leash in common areas.

When you bring your dog to the hotel, always keep it on a leash. This is one of the most important rules of etiquette for bringing a dog to a hotel. While some people may want their dogs off-leash in certain areas, this can be dangerous and also damage property, so it’s best to always keep them on-leash in common areas.

Always pick up after your dog.

Even if it’s just a little bit of poop, please clean it up! If you are walking in an area where there is no trash can, use biodegradable bags to pick up after your pet and throw them in the nearest bin. It’s also helpful if you carry a few extra plastic bags on hand so that they can be used as needed throughout the day.

Make sure you’re both well-rested.

If possible, try to get a good night’s sleep before the trip. If your dog tends to be easily startled by noises or the unfamiliar environment of a hotel room, consider having them sleep in the car before arriving at your destination. Should you have to stay overnight, ask for a room on the first floor so that they can walk down without trouble as needed.

Know what to pack.

  • Bring food. Most hotels do not offer a lot of food options for dogs. Even if they do, you cannot expect them to have the same brand of kibble that your dog is used to. Always carry a pack of your dog’s food. That way, they don’t have to eat unfamiliar kibble or risk eating something that could cause an allergic reaction.
  • Don’t forget the bowl. As a rule, I do not let my dog eat or drink from a bowl that is not his. Even if the hotel provides food and water bowls, we never know how hygienic it is.
  • Bring toys and treats. A little bit of familiarity can go a long way when traveling with your canine companion! Let them play with one or two favourite toys from home throughout the journey—and pack some new ones too!

Avoid excessive barking.

Barking or howling can be serious issues especially if you are staying in a hotel. It is one of the most off-putting aspects of dogs in hotels. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to handle such situation. Make sure that your dog is trained not to bark excessively.

There are several reasons why dogs bark. Hunger, anxiety, nature’s call, & strangers are some of the most common reasons. But most dogs usually get used to travel after a few trips. So, start taking your dog for short trips when he/she is young.

Mind the temperature.

You know how you like to set a room temperature that’s comfortable for you? Well, dogs need that too. Don’t leave your dog in a car on a hot day—that’s the fastest way to heat things up. And don’t let your dog swim in cold water; it can cause hypothermia and death. If you’re traveling with your dog during wintertime, be sure he has enough activities to keep him warm while indoors (like playtime).

Be well-behaved at mealtime.

Don’t let your dog eat from your plate or beg at the table. This is not only unappetizing for other guests but it’s also dangerous for both dogs and humans alike—people may drop their silverware or food on the floor where dogs are free to eat it without supervision.

Know what is allowed and what is not

In India, dogs are usually not allowed in the pool or hot tub, and they aren’t allowed to use any of the fitness equipment or machines. Do not give your dog a bath in the tub. Dogs must always remain leashed except when outside designated areas–like sidewalks–where leashes may be removed for short periods.


We hope this article has been helpful for you and your pup! Please keep in mind that there are many more rules that I didn’t cover here, so it’s a good idea to check with the hotel before you arrive.

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.