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4 Great hot-weather dog breeds in India

Although there are many different types of dogs, not all of them perform well in the heat of India. Here then is a selection of dog breeds that fare well in warm weather.

Doberman Pinscher

If you live in a hot climate and need a great guard dog, then the Doberman is the perfect choice! The Doberman has a reputation as being an aggressive breed, but not all of them are like that. They’re very friendly dogs who love to be around people. If they were not bred to be guard dogs, they would be just as happy staying inside with their family as they would be outside patrolling your property.

They are a working dog and will become frustrated if they don’t get enough exercise. As I mentioned, they also need to be socialised early so they can develop good relationships with humans and other animals. If you live in a hot climate or want a breed that doesn’t shed much, then this may be the perfect breed for you!

Rajapalayam Dog

Rajapalayam dogs are native to the state of Tamil Nadu. The Rajapalayam is a lean, medium-sized, short-haired dog. A Rajapalayam has an average lifespan of 14 years but can live up to 18 years if they are well cared for.

The Rajapalayam dog is a great dog for hot and dry climates, or even just a good dog if you live in an area that gets warm during the summer months. Because they have such little fur, they can’t handle cold weather well; they also don’t do well in apartments because they need lots of exercise. This dog is a very hardy breed, and they rarely get sick. They are a hunting breed and have a very high prey instinct. They use sight as well as scent to hunt. This means that they get distracted easily during basic training. You will need to understand the dog’s nature to train him or her well. So, start training early, be consistent, and be patient.


They’re known for their spots, but did you know that Dalmatians make excellent dogs for warmer climates? If you live in a warm climate, you can use this as one of the reasons to buy a Dalmatian. They don’t shed as much as other breeds and can handle the heat better than many other dogs. They are a strong, active breed that loves to run and hike. They make a wonderful partner for active people.

If you live in a warmer climate and have time to exercise your new friend every day, then I would definitely get a Dalmatian!

Chippiparai Dog

Chippiparai is a hunting dog breed that originated in Tamil Nadu, India. It is a medium-sized dog with a long and narrow head. They are very intelligent and energetic.

The Chippiparai dogs were bred to hunt animals such as deer, wild boar, etc., but they were also used as guard dogs because they had an instinct to protect their family members against any intruder or threat. They are perfect for warmer climates like India. If you have a family or live on your own, then this dog is for you. Despite their strong bond with their owners, Chippiparai dogs can be aggressive toward strangers until they’re properly trained.

If properly trained, the Chippiparai will fit in with any family. He can live indoors or outdoors depending on your preference, but he needs plenty of exercise either way, so make sure you give him lots of playtime outside every day!


Even though these dogs thrive in warm temperatures, it can still be dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions. They will need plenty of water to stay hydrated in this kind of weather—so make sure you have plenty on hand and keep an eye on them while they play! If it’s especially hot outside, try draping them in cool rags or towels when they’re resting so that they can remain cool even when resting for long periods of time.

Remember: dogs may not show signs of heat exhaustion until later in their activity; so, don’t forget that even if your pup seems fine now, there might be something wrong down the road! Keep an eye out for signs like panting heavily or laying down more often than usual—if any of these happen after playing outside for a while during hot weather conditions bring them inside immediately!

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.