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How can you show respect to your Dog?

We all want to be respected, whether it’s at work or in our daily lives. But is there anyone you would like to be more respectful of? If you’re reading this article, chances are that you’re someone who loves dogs. And if you love dogs, we know that they deserve your respect just as much as any other living being.

So how can you show him respect when interacting with him?

Here are some basic tips:

Do not lose your patience

The first and foremost thing that you need to remember is that losing your temper isn’t going to help your dog. It will only cause both of you more stress, and put the relationship between you two at risk.

So don’t lose your patience! If you’re feeling frustrated or irritated by something, take a moment to calm down before interacting with your dog again.

Do not disturb him when he is sleeping

Dogs are like humans in that they need to sleep. Don’t wake a sleeping dog up, he needs his rest!

Sleep is an essential part of your daily life. You can go for days without food or water but not for long without sleep! A dog is no different; he needs to get proper rest just like you do. If you wake him up from a deep sleep and then make him perform some task, such as walking or eating food, he will feel tired and unfulfilled.

This can lead to frustration on both ends – the dog’s as well as yours! So when you let your pet rest after playing with him make sure that it lasts at least 15 minutes so that he gets enough time before having to perform another activity (such as being walked).

Let him be a part of the family

One of the most important things to remember is that dogs are part of your family. They’re not just an animal in the house; they’re a cherished member of your family and should be treated as such.

Have a space in the living room where he can stay. You can maybe place a small bed for him to rest. Let him be part of the conversation. We never know how much he understands, but he for sure will feel that he is part of the pack.

Do not chain him

Chaining your dog is a serious no-no, because it can cause him a lot of psychological and physical damage. Dogs need to be able to run around, explore their surroundings and socialize with other dogs.

If you chain him outside, he will become bored, anxious and restless because he has no choice but to stay put. A chained dog will also tire easily because he has too little exercise.

It’s important that you keep your dog in a safe area where he can move around freely without getting tangled up in his leash or hurting himself on anything else that might present itself as an obstacle (think rocks, sticks or holes).

I understand that not everyone who visits your home may like dogs. There will be instances where you may have to entertain guests who may not be comfortable around dogs. You can direct him to his kennel/shelter (if you have one) or use baby gates to prevent your dog from entering the rooms when such guests come over.

Take care of his necessities

Feeding your dog nutritious food and ample water every day at a specified time is a great way to show your dog that you are there for him. Provide shelter for your dog from the elements, and make sure he has a place to rest and relax in the shade or indoors when it is too hot or cold outside.

Take him to the vet as needed—and follow through on treatment plans prescribed by your veterinarian! Do not let your dog suffer unnecessarily when it comes to his health.

Give him toys (especially ones that encourage physical activity) to keep his mind stimulated and happy: Frisbees, chew toys, stuffed animals, and balls—all of which will help keep your dog’s brain active while also providing fun interaction between both of you!

These are not difficult tasks, and most of you may be doing it already. But these are important for your dog to bond with you, to trust you. And with that comes mutual respect.

Do not yell or hit him

Do not yell at him or punish him. The dog is a being that can feel, and he deserves your respect as much as you do. Do not use physical force to discipline your dog. You can’t practice respect if you are hitting it all the time, even when it does something unacceptable like peeing in the house or chewing on one of your shoes.

The best way to teach a dog how to behave is through positive reinforcement by rewarding them with treats for good behavior, rather than punishing them for bad behavior.

Do not use harsh words around him either; don’t speak harshly towards your pet because this will make him afraid of you and may make him think twice before approaching you for play.

If anything happens accidentally while playing games together such as falling while chasing each other around then this should be laughed off together instead of being scolded afterwards.

Acknowledge his need to play

Your dog’s need to play is extremely important. It gives your dog an outlet for his energy and helps strengthen the bond between you. Just like humans, dogs can get very bored if they don’t have enough stimulation in their lives, so make sure that you keep him busy with lots of toys and games.

You should also try to spend at least 30 minutes playing with your dog every day, but it’s even better if you’re able to do so twice a day! If he gets along well with other pets (or even people), this time could be spent by taking him out for walks or visiting a local park where other dogs are present. Be sure not to neglect this aspect of the relationship—playtime is just as important as feeding time!

Respect is a two-way street, and you get more of it when you give it.

The mantra of “respect is a two-way street” applies to your dog as much as it does to anyone else. When you show respect toward him, he feels valued and loved. And when he shows respect back to you, you feel valued and loved.


I hope that you’ve found these tips helpful. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my years with dogs, it’s that respect is a two-way street, and you get more of it when you give it. There’s no reason not to show a little more love and kindness towards your furry friend!

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.