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Why does my dog sit on me?

Is your dog sitting on you? That could be a sign of love and affection, but it could also be a sign that your dog is stressed, bored or tired. Let us take a look at why dogs sit on people, what you can do about it, and why this behaviour is so common among dogs.

To show love

A dog will sit on you if it wants to get close to you. In the same way that humans sometimes cuddle up to a loved one, dogs want to be near their pack member. They are a social species and they crave companionship, so they will happily lay on top of you as long as it means being together with you at that moment.

Your dog might also sit on top of other people (or animals) because he or she feels comfortable around them. This could be due to past experiences with those individuals, but it could also be because your dog has learned through experience that sitting is an effective way of communicating feelings like affection and trust toward someone else!

Separation anxiety

If your dog has separation anxiety, it may sit on you when you leave. They are not trying to be in your space; they are just trying to stay connected with you. They don’t know how else to show affection and comfort than by sitting on top of their favourite person!

This behaviour can also occur if there is another reason your dog feels insecure, such as being left alone at home or feeling anxiety around new people or situations. If this is the case for your pup and he’s been doing it for longer than a few weeks, please consult with a professional behaviorist who can help him overcome his fears and learn new coping mechanisms that don’t involve sitting on top of people!

It may be learnt behaviour

It’s possible that your dog has learned this behavior from another animal, or from interacting with other dogs. Some believe that it may even be a sign of dominance in play, although this view has recently been questioned by many behaviourists. However, if your dog does sit on you and it makes him happy and comfortable at the same time, then it’s likely just a sign of affection!

Dogs have various reasons for sitting on their owners. Dogs may sit on an owner to show affection, or they might simply like the feeling of resting upon a soft surface while they rest. Some dogs choose to sit on their owners out of a desire to protect them from perceived dangers, such as when a dog sits on someone’s lap while they are sleeping so that the dog can wake up their owner if there is any sign of danger in the house. Oftentimes, dogs will sit on their owners out of fear and anxiety due to unfamiliar sounds in the home environment or strange sights outside it; this behaviour can cause difficulties in getting your pet used to new environments and people because your dog may be afraid when you’re around! If a dog feels like he needs protection from other animals or people (especially if he feels threatened by another animal), then this could also lead him into sitting where he believes he has his best chance at being safe: right next to you!


If you find that your dog sits on you a lot, there are several things to consider. First and foremost, make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable with how much time they spend on top of you. If it gets too much, then it might be time to redirect their attention elsewhere! If there are any medical reasons for sitting on people or other dogs (such as separation anxiety or learned behaviour), then be sure to address those first before taking other steps towards getting off your lap. In most cases though, it’s probably just because they love spending time with us humans!

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Hey there, I am Azhar.

I used to be a Dog Hater until 2012 when I had a change of heart. Now, after almost a decade of immersing myself in the world of dogs, I firmly believe in their power to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. This is where I share my experiences and learn from yours.